Szilárd and his team ranked a prestigious 8th place on the OAD (Opinionated About Dining) platform’s list of Europe’s best 30 new restaurants.

During recent years, there’s been an increasing demand for restaurant guides that are both professionally reliable and understandable for a wider audience. OAD is one of these: while the platform is yet to become well-known in Hungary, many around the world rely on the restaurant ranking list that has been compiling hundreds of thousands of reviews from thousands of foodies and food professionals since 2004.
The detailed ranking system is open to both the general audience and the professional community and strives to overcome the most frequent criticism about restaurant guides by staying as objective as possible. OAD is not working with their own reviewers: among those who express their opinion are both everyday people interested in gastronomy and professionals working in the food industry, however, their reviews are weighted according to a predetermined set of criteria. The more professional and reviewing experience one has, the more their opinion weighs in the system, while the final list is generated by an algorithm that takes every aspect into account. The review team of OAD consists of enthusiastic foodies, gastro bloggers, chefs and restaurant critics from all over the world, meaning that in their lists, many different opinions are integrated.

OAD creates various specialised rankings each year. Among others, you can find lists of European, North American or Japanese restaurants, more laid-back and classic places, or those that might be of interest for offering great value for money. On these specialised lists, the most diverse group of restaurants are featured regardless of their profile, which both the professional and food enthusiast community deem worthy of attention.
Salt, the only Hungarian contender, ranked higher than exceptional Spanish, Italian, French, Swiss and German restaurants on the list of the top 30 new European restaurants. According to the opinion of foodies and gastro professionals visiting since the restaurant opened, Salt snatched the impressive 8th place.
Salt received several important recognitions recently. On Audi Dining Guide’s list of the best 100 restaurants in Hungary, Salt landed 2nd place. Besides the Michelin star, the restaurant was awarded a Green star for its sustainable approach and solutions, while our head chef Szilárd got shortlisted for this year’s Best Chef Awards.